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Is Rhinoplasty Right for Me?

Posted February 28, 2020 in Nose

Before and after of a rhinoplastyRhinoplasty – the nose job – is one of the most commonly requested cosmetic procedures. While most pop culture references to having a nose job focus on reducing the size of the nose, many candidates for rhinoplasty are seeking to reshape the nose or to repair a previous rhinoplasty procedure. During a rhinoplasty, medical issues such as a deviated septum or other structural defects, can also be corrected. Sometimes, rhinoplasty is performed to correct damage from trauma or a broken nose, or to repair the nose after surgery to remove skin cancer lesions.

How Do I Know If I’m a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

Deciding to have a nose job is a very personal decision. Unless you have a medical issue for having this procedure performed, the decision to have rhinoplasty should be about your comfort with your looks, your confidence, and your desired outcome. For many of the people we see, having rhinoplasty has a significant and positive impact on their overall confidence. To be a good candidate for rhinoplasty, you need to be in good health, be a non-smoker, and be at an age where your facial bones have stopped growing. This growth is usually completed by around age 14.

Deciding to Have Rhinoplasty

Before having the procedure, you will consult with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons who will discuss the procedure, talk about your desired outcome including the shape and size of the nose post-surgery, and review your medical history. The procedure itself takes no more than a few hours; afterward, you will experience bruising and swelling that may last several days. it takes about two weeks before you can resume normal activities. It will take even longer to be cleared to resume any strenuous activities.

Our plastic surgeons have over 75 years of combined experience in cosmetic plastic surgery. If you’re ready to learn more about how we can help you, please contact our office to schedule a consultation. Simply fill out the form or call Us (919)-785-0505. We proudly serve Raleigh and the surrounding areas of North Carolina.