In the past, achieving a more youthful appearance required a surgical facelift. While that is still a popular procedure, for people who cannot afford the downtime of recovering from a major surgery, there are new options available for achieving a more youthful look. There have been so many advances in the world of aesthetics, but one of the most effective and most popular trends is microneedling.
What Is Microneedling?
Microneedling is a procedure in which your body is encouraged to create more collagen naturally. Tiny needles are inserted into your skin to create “micro injuries” to which the body reacts by rushing blood and collagen to the area. The depth of the needle insertions can be adjusted to accommodate for differences between treating fine lines and wrinkles and repairing minor scars. The result is smoother, more healthy-looking skin.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Microneedling?
If you are otherwise healthy but either spent too much time in the sun, have scars, or have wrinkles and fine lines, microneedling can help. You may have tried everything from improving your diet to exfoliation, but because people produce less collagen as they age, those efforts may be going to waste. Microneedling encourages production of collagen and elastin to help skin feel more supple, look smoother, and brighter. The microneedling treatment lasts about 1.5 hours, which includes about 30 minutes allowing the topic ointment to work to minimize any discomfort.
Recovering from Microneedling Procedures
While recovery time can vary from patient to patient, you will have slight swelling and redness for the 24-48 hours following your procedure. We use the SkinPen by Bellus Medical for all of our microneedling procedures. It is a state-of-the-art technology with proven results. Skinpen can be used on all skin types and for a variety of skin issues including acne scars, stretch marks, and wrinkles.
Schedule your Microneedling Consultation in Raleigh
Our experienced surgeons and staff know what questions to ask to help you design and coordinate your ideal mommy makeover. Call 919-785-0505 today to schedule a consultation. We serve patients in Cary, Raleigh, and nearby areas of North Carolina.