Have you been thinking about getting a tummy tuck? It’s a great way to get rid of stubborn fat and excess skin – and it’s also a great way to gain a whole new sense of self-confidence. However, if you’re thinking about this procedure, you may be wondering what you should do, both before and afterwards, to make your tummy tuck procedure go smoothly and successfully. Read on for some tummy tuck tips!
Stay healthy
Yes, your tummy tuck will help you to look healthy. However, you still need to eat a healthy diet and stay active. Prepare for the procedure by eating low fat and high protein foods to help your body to heal faster after your tummy tuck. You should also get regular exercise in the weeks leading up to the procedure, whether it’s a daily walk, a yoga class, or ballroom dancing – whatever you enjoy doing.
If you are considering a tummy tuck (or any other kind of procedure), it is also a great time to stop smoking. Smoking can slow down the healing process, increase the risk of complications, and weaken your immune system.
Prepare for your recovery
Before the surgery, prepare a comfy spot for your recovery, with the remote, some healthy snacks, books, and games within easy reach. Stock up on your favorite foods, and consider making some meals ahead of time – it is important to eat regularly, and you may not feel like spending a lot of time making food after the procedure. Make sure you don’t have any major obligations scheduled for at least a couple of weeks after the procedure. And, ask a friend or family member to pick you up after the surgery and take you home. Make sure that you understand all of your doctor’s post-surgery instructions, and if someone is staying with you, they should understand them, too.
Specialists in Plastic Surgery in Raleigh, North Carolina, can help you to achieve your plastic surgery goals – with a little help from you, of course! Make sure you are prepared for your plastic surgery to help ensure its success. If you have been considering a tummy tuck or another procedure, call (919) 785-0505.