Say goodbye to your double chin! Our team at Specialists in Plastic Surgery is proud to introduce Kybella to our practice. A new treatment, Kybella was approved by the FDA just this past April. Combatting submental fullness—this non-invasive procedure can reduce and reshape your double chin. Dissolving fat cells beneath and around the chin, Kybella can help you achieve a slim and contoured neckline.
What is Kybella like? Here, we walk you through the questions we are most frequently asked.
How Does Kybella Work?
A revolutionary treatment—Kybella destroys fat through a series of simple injections! Kybella consists of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule that helps break down and absorb dietary fat. When properly injected, Kybella weakens the fat cell’s membrane, causing the cell to burst and is then safely processed and absorbed by the body.
What is the Treatment Like?
Completed as a series of two to six treatments—spaced at least one month apart. At 80%, the majority of patients see results in as little as two to four treatments. A small amount of patients requires the full series of six. Each treatment lasts approximately 15 to 20 minutes. With relatively no downtime or visible side effects, you are free to return to your day immediately following your Kybella treatment.
Are There Side Effects?
As with any injectable treatment, there is a slight chance that tenderness, bruising, and swelling may occur. Post-injection, 20% of patients experienced minor side effects. Any residual effects should subside in two to five days. One thing to keep in mind: Patients reported experiencing the most severe side effects after their first treatment.
Does Kybella Last?
As the body has a finite number of fat cells, once destroyed, the cells are destroyed for good and will not be replaced. As the cells are no longer present, they can no longer store or accumulate fat, giving you a shapely and defined jaw line. Kybella is thus a permanent solution and re-treatment should not be necessary.
Is Kybella a Successful Treatment?
With a high success rate, Kybella looks to be a promising and effective treatment. Post-injection, almost 70% of study participants saw a noticeable difference. Of those, 79% of the participants reported being satisfied with the treatment and corresponding appearance of a contoured chin. Our surgeons will customize your treatment to ensure we meet your goals.
If you are tired of your double chin—Kybella may be the solution for you! Think you’re a good candidate? Please, schedule a consultation with one of our expert plastic surgeons.