Are you one of those lucky recipients of a tax refund? You have many choices for what you could spend that extra bit of money on, but let’s face it – most of those choices are probably no fun at all. You should make sure that you spend it on something for yourself. After all, you are the one who earned the money! It may finally be the right time for that breast augmentation you’ve always dreamed of.
Here are 5 reasons why you should think about spending your tax refund on a breast augmentation procedure.
1. Breast implants last for years. Most implants last for about 15 years, but some can last a lifetime.
2. Breast implants can do wonders for your confidence. Has your chest always made you self-conscious? Has it always been the one part of your body you are uncomfortable with? Or have you recently lost a lot of weight, along with a lot of fullness in your chest? There’s no reason to be self-conscious about the size of your chest or the shape of your breasts, with breast augmentation surgery.
3. Breast augmentation surgery recovery is relatively quick and easy. Downtime after such a procedure will most likely be, at most, 1 to 2 weeks. You can resume strenuous activities after 4 to 6 weeks.
4. Breast augmentation uses the latest in technology. From the consultation using 3-D imaging so that you can see exactly what you’ll look like after the procedure to the latest kind of gel breast implants, the newest advances are being used to help patients get the look they want.
5. Breast augmentation is safe. Although any procedure carries some risk, in general, breast implants have few risks of complications or adverse effects.
Having a bit of extra cash is a great excuse to get the body you’ve always wanted – but whether you decide to have breast augmentation now or want to put it off for a bit longer, when the time is right you can depend on the experts at Specialists in Plastic Surgery in Raleigh, North Carolina, to help. Call (919) 785-0505 for a consultation today!